I hate Mondays, I really do, because it's cleaning day, and I absolutely hate cleaning. I'm the sort who likes cooking, baking and washing dishes etc, but totally dislike dusting, cleaning the house, etc. I don't mind laundry, because all I have to do is put them in the washing machine and only fold them after.
And also, because of my aches, I feel even less motivated to get started today. Well, ok, so I have started vacuuming the bedrooms and half the living room. That's because I forced myself to. Sigh.
Thank goodness hubby changes the bedsheets once in 2 weeks. I wouldn't be able to do that.
Lots of complaints this morning... guess I didn't have enough sleep. Hope the day gets better.
I'm very happy to have discovered blogging. Being a stay-home mum can get the brains a little rusty. I love to write and thought oh boy, my vocabulary has become very very limited since I became a mum, because I don't use my brains as much now. So blogging has allowed me to find them again. And I'm glad I can still write. I also feel more connected to the outside world as I meet people all over who have the same interests as I do.
Homemade Almond Croissants
6 months ago
from your sleepy friend!! who wants to eat pancakes rite now.....craving!!!!
Haha, good morning. I can't help you there. Maybe try Mac's hotcakes breakfast? ;)
too late for that..gotta make plans for lunch!!!!!
subway is such a tempation
Thanks Deb for the recp
am sure the other ladies who read yr blog will benefit too!!
of course I will add plently cheese
U know....I love doing hse work. :)
SAHM is the best occupation for me...haha!
Agree with the rusty brains part...Mine is all rusted beyond help.
Hi Paw Paw,
Are you one as well? Good to know you enjoy doing housework. ;) Not me.
Deb..I am like u man....like to cook, hate to clean.
Paw Paw: wish I can be like u!!
your blog getting better n better, hahaha... blogging gd for us SAHM - in my case stay-at-home-granny.
like the way u wrote recipe, everything 'up to you' hahaha
Hahaha Peony, you are so funny. Ya, instead of saying agak agak I say up to you. Haha. Well, that's because I don't follow any recipe when cooking, and I don't know how to cook fanciful stuff, only basics, so it's all made up. Hehe. Thanks for the compliment. Yes, getting more of a feel for blogging, thanks to you, rocking granny. ;) So coincidentally you dropped in, I'm just going to bake donuts following your recipe, but in my excitement, have a feeling I got the wrong pan. Yikes! No matter, still can work out.
i also must add my 2 cents worth... i hate housework too any type of housework so terible i know but it's the truth hee hee.cooking i love..crosstitch i love...and being a SAHM i love.
Hi D,
Do they have the Food Network on cable in S'pore? That's one of my favourite channels. Hani has discovered it and I think she's hooked on it too! Sorry, but I cannot read your blog on an empty tummy, can only read it after a meal...hahaha!
Keep it up!
trevshanhann - Hey, you can say that again. I do love being a SAHM doing all kinds of stuff related to the kitchen, but never cleaning. Hehe. Join the club.
Jo - Hey, was wondering what happened to you and was going to email you. No, I don't think we have Food Network here even on cable, but yes, Hani's been praising it. Says she's glued to it. Haha, not when she's back to SIN though, she'll miss it. But then again her friends and family are here so she won't need that channel to keep her occupied. ;)We'll see her very soon but since it's Puasa month, maybe Hari Raya is better. :)
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