Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bento #36

Today's bento is not a charaben but I am pleased with the colours. It's a total change from yesterday's boring yellow. In today's bento there is pizza bread, baked chicken drumlet, piggy fishcake, broccoli & fruits.

My throat is annoying me still. Hope I get well soon, really dislike this haze situation causing people to get sick. One thing I am looking forward to, is tomorrow's breakfast with the girls.


Unknown said...

MS saw this bento, she went "WOW"

SIG said...

May Shann - Wow, MS likes that? My girl came back with the chicken. Everything else was gone. Sigh, she hates to chew on meat.

sohcool said...

The chicken is too pretty to be eaten. I like the way you put a ribbon on it.

SIG said...

sohcool - Tks, well, I can't possibly come up with that idea myself haha. I got it from a book.