Saturday, August 23, 2008

Poor girl's ill

My poor little girl is ill. :( Initially I thought it was from the hula hooping she was doing all day yesterday from trying to get her tummy small (as told to her by Auntie P who visited yesterday, haha). I know I practise it but I don't advocate it for children about this losing weight and raising their self-confidence bit. Well, of course she's not fat, and I was mad at dad a few weeks' ago when he said it to her that she had put on weight? Hang on there! I told him off. She's only 6, why are you giving her a complex? I don't care if she's 6 or 16, I don't want her growing up and feeling insecure about her body. Does thin necessarily = healthy? I'm not talking about obesity here. I remembered he said it too, to my goddaughter a few years ago. She wouldn't have been more than 9. I was very shocked when she started P1 and was told to go on the TAF club programme (if you haven't already noticed, TAF stands for Trim And Fit, but it's also FAT spelt backwards). There was no way there was even an ounce of fat on her skinny 7-yr-old body (that was before she started putting on a little weight).

Back to the topic at hand. Well, poor little one said she had a tummy ache this morning and even while at ballet class, she wasn't feeling too well. Whenever they had a little break, she always sat down while they were still supposed to be standing and practising. She even asked to be excused so she could take a rest. She didn't have an appetite for lunch so she skipped that, and even for dinner, she had a few maki. Poor girl. She asked to go home immediately after dinner and even though she slept 3hrs in the day, she went to bed at 10pm. I hope she gets well soon as it's very seldom that she's ill like this and out of sorts. As I was saying, it probably couldn't have been the hula hooping she was doing all day else how to explain the lack of appetite? She might have caught some bug but thank goodness, there's no fever or anything else.

Just wanted to share the mooncake pastry fish that I love and bring back some memories for some. I remember grandma used to come home with those little piggies in the baskets, how cute they were. They can still be found each time the Mooncake Festival comes along. Is it because I'm bigger now that I find the little piggies have shrunk? Well, I'm glad I found this fish (carp?) at a market stall and the owner sells them every year at this time. They cost only 60cents each and are real value for money. Just this afternoon, I saw a fish a third the size of this and it cost $1.50. These plain pastries are great for kids as most (like mine for e.g.) do not like the lotus pastes in them. Children are such purists. How's your mooncake preparations coming along? I know this is the time that most bloggers will be busy churning out mooncakes. Can't wait to see what the offers are this year. :)


Miz Young said...

Poor Poor sweetie! I hope she feels better soon.... give her a kiss for me!!

I agree completely with you about TAF/FAT issue. Even as an adult, I grapple with that occasionally. People can be rather thoughtless and unkind. Or even if they didn't mean much by their comments, they have no idea what damage is done with those few words. And the professionals wonder where anorexia and bulimia originates.... duh

and yeah... mid autumn festival... now there's no stress of organising a big party I intend to enjoy it hehhe

daphne said...

Oh do send my love to princess! Auntie Daphne says get well soon! *muacks*

And 6 is wayyy too young to be concern about how she looks. As long as she is healthy and active, that is the most impt thing. I was very obese as a child and attended TAF/FAT club for many years. Although I gained a love for running from there, my weight did not change till I reach my late teens/early twenties and become more aware of my diet.

Comments like these hurt badly and I dont think I ever did forget the teasing and comments when I was a kid (even by my own mum!) and I think every child should deserve unconditional love and not "Aiya, fat already ah, not pretty anymore" sort of comments. =) So u r right to be pissed off!

haha. just realized I typed a super long comment-sorry! Am passionate about this topic!

Little Corner of Mine said...

I hope your girl is feeling better now. And I love the mooncake pastry fish that you bought, very pretty!

Unknown said...

poor thing!

gosh, if there's a phrase i hate the most that'd be "have you put on weight?"

it is never ever a nice thing to say

Peony said...

hope your princess gets well soon.

btw, thanks for your 'live feed' n
'wt converter' widgets.
I help myself to them, heehee.
hope you dont mind.

karlsfoodie said...

oh dear.. hope she is better today...

alamak.. she fat meh? she looks good for her height manz...

and doesnt the sch emasure the BMI 1st before sending them off for TAF? weird... and 7 yr old! gosh

Anonymous said...

hope your little girl is feeling better... hats off to you, you are absolutely right... we have to be careful not to hurt our kids' self esteem and corrupt their minds... thanks for sharing your thoughts...

petite fleur said...

Hope she gets well soon.

I, too, don't understand this obsession with weight & it's certainly not right for children. You just keep on making sure she's healthy & eating right.