We finally found time today to visit Mina and Nao. I have been wanting to learn how to make sushi from her. Thank you Mina, for being so patient in detailing to me the steps involved, starting with the cooking of the rice. I shall try it soon, I think probably the earliest will be at princess' party as before that I will be busy with Christmas.
I hope to be able to make the egg too. It sounded a little complicated haha, but I'm sure when I actually do it, I will understand what you were trying to say.
Also thanks for tips on making katsuobushi (dashi) stock. That's a great thing I learned today.
The kids were hands on and they made their own kappamaki. They didn't bother with cutting them up into little pieces. They ate theirs like sausages haha. The poor girls were much too hungry to wait.Princess loves her ebiko (prawn roe) so she had loads of it spread on her roll. Hahaha.
Ah... here's the expert at work.
Look at how neat her ingredients are placed.
The final result. Some lovely futomaki. Erm, ok, Mina's ones are the round ones whereas mine look like mountains she said. Lol. They were flat on the bottom and round at the top. Nevertheless they were yummy.
Sushi was coming out of my ears by the time we were finished with lunch. I didn't want to see another sushi today. Hahaha. But guess what my girl wanted for dinner??? Sushi!!!!
I couldn't eat another piece of sushi, so I had some takoyaki and gyoza, and she had all her favourites - ebiko gunkan, tamago maki (like those we made for lunch), fried tofu, cha soba, and also some takoyaki. And believe it or not? She was hungry like she said and finished everything. Boy was I surprised!
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
2 weeks ago
Hmmmm.....looks gooooood! Nice "sweet" blog.
It is almost lunch time as I read your post...now I am VERY hungry! And craving sushi!!
The roe is one of my favourite ingredients, as well.
bar advice - Welcome to my blog. Yes, you bet. It was good! Oh haha, thanks. No one has ever said my blog is 'sweet'. *blush blush*
jori - Oh lol, I'm so so sorry to make you crave sushi. Ahhh... so you like roe too huh? Mine only recently went crazy over it.
Looks great and what a fun time learning to make sushi. Your daughter dinner looks delicious too!
i can have sushi day in day out!! hahaha.. that is great fuN!
little corner of mine - Yes, it was fun, also catching up with friend. Haha, yes her dinner was delicious.
daphne - Day in day out is okay, but not when you keep stuffing them in when making them then you get really sick.
hahahaha got to say thank you first. Now I know what food to eat when we come over in january....shushi! lol!
Wah congrats, those sushi and dishes look really good. Well done, I wanna eat too :-)_
wah...you are so hardworking..sushi class also go arh..???salut salut!..Usually for beginner,they will teach how to wrap kappa maki and california roll first.I'm surprised she make the roll outsidein not insideout.For me insideout(seaweed wrap in) is much more difficult than outsidein(seaweed out,rice inside)bcoz the rice tend to stick to bamboo & make so messy & tobiko on it..hmmm..I'm looking forward your sushi roll:))
big boys oven - Hahaha, don't be too disappointed by them.
inspiredmumof2 - Oh thank you. :) Ok, you can eat at the party. Haha.
beachlover - Lol! You are so funny. I didn't go for an actual class! I just went to my Japanese friend's house. She's not a cooking teacher, just teaching me as a friend cos I asked her to. Oh, she doesn't know how to make the california roll type. She thinks you use a plastic wrap to wrap the bamboo. But she's never tried.
Yum yum, we just had sushi this afternoon. Going to make sushi again after seeing urs. I love sushi too.
D,I LOVE SUSHI!!! hint hint hint.
now tht u hav the know how, we can hav sushi party 1 day ya!
Looks like fun! we have family DIY sushi nights once in awhile - I lay out all the ingredients and equipment and we wrap our own sushis. We always have a good time on DIY nights. Another of our family DIY food item is popiah - we are having it on Christmas Day along with other dishes!
Are you having family and friends over on Christmas Debra?
Aiyo....in US California maki is very famous one lor!!..Also know as beginner maki for those who can't eat raw fish...just put imitation crabstick(kani),cucumber,avacado and tobiko wrap seaweed inside and rice outside and again roll tobiko/masago on the maki.Yes,we usually wrap our bambo with saran wrap to avoid rice sticking on it..hmmm...wish I have a friend like your to teach me..now talking about sushi,make me wanna to made them again..lol!!
Debra, answering your question: The white icing is Royal Icing - It's a pre-packed mix I bought from a cake supply shop here. All you do is add some hot water and stir till smooth and the right piping consistency. You should be able to get it from Phoon Huat, if not try Sun Lik, across from Raffles Hotel. It's probably better to call and ask if they have it rather than making an unfruitful trip. xo Carol
Hey! Wishing U a wonderful & fun Christmas...!!!
*X'mas Hugs & kisses*
sue sue - I think sushi is well-loved as it contains our staple rice. And it's flavoured and has ingredients all wrapped in so it's convenient food. Just pop into the mouth anytime anywhere. Haha.
lilltots - Huh, you like sushi? Since when? I asked you before if you liked seaweed, you said no? Hahaha. Ah... I know... you like the egg ones like princess does.
Ah! Yes! Sushi party will be great... and messy. Hehe.
oh for the love of food! - Sorry Carol, been so busy to reply comments. Yes, sushi diy is great! And fun too! Also, you can choose which ingredients you'd like to put in them for individual taste. Yes, I had mum, sis and a friend of hers from Indonesia over for dinner. Hope you had a great Christmas too.
beachlover - Hahaha, yes, it's famous there as it was invented there, hence the name 'California Roll', hahaha. Oh, really? I find the seaweed on the outside easier to make. Hehe, go make some Japanese friends then they'll teach you.
paw paw - Hey, have missed you, girl. A Merry Christmas to you and Elf too. *hugs & kisses*
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