For those waiting for the reveal of my guest in town, well, I shan't keep you in suspense, and besides I'm not one who writes fancy, haha. She is none other than the lovely blogger from Easts Meets West Kitchen. It was really lovely to meet her and her little girls yesterday. We got along from the word 'go', and she was every bit as I expected her to be - friendly, warm, sincere. Her kids were totally loveable, and princess got along very well with them. She loves to play with little girls and they were like 2 life dolls to her. She just wouldn't put them down, carrying them whenever she could. She sometimes forgets that she too, is still a little child. I had to constantly remind her that. It didn't help that she was going for some exercise workout afterwards. I told her she'd be knackered! And you bet she was. She's still asleep at this time - 9.30am, would you believe it??!!! That is totally unheard of in princess land.
I have only got a short time for this post before I'm out the door again this morning.
The updates on our outing will probably be done in East Meets West Kitchen when she is more settled and finds the time to. I didn't bother to take photos of the things we consumed at the food court but she being the 'tourist' had every right to. Hahaha.
The good news is she finally visited Daiso but it was a short in and out visit as her girls were getting restless from the jetlag etc.
I have to say I really admire this lady. I think she is amazing to travel this long a distance with a pair of twins and basically just managing everything on her own.
Well, got to dash. Have a great weekend!
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
2 weeks ago
She is amazing isn't it? I don't think I can travel so far with twin on my own! I have to wait til she gets back and settle before I could see the pictures.... *remind myself to be patient*...LOL!
Glad you gals had a fun time out, can't wait to see pictures! :)
little corner of mine - Haha, neither can I. Ahh... you might have to wait a lonnngg time. I believe she will update her blog while here. Just have to wait for her to settle. ;)
singairushgirl, when is east meet west kitchen be heading back home?
Yes! I totally enjoyed my visit with you and princess. My kids now ask for you and your princess by name everyday!
You will be have a bit more patient with me on blogging. I haven't found the time yet, and right now I'm surfing in the dark so as not to wake up the jetlagged sleepyheads.
WOohoO! She came to SG? What a great happy surprise!!!! Can't wait to see the photos as well! Sounds like everyone had lots of fun-esp princess.
big boys oven - Ah yes, I was hoping she'd update her blog about it, but she is super busy since she only just arrived few days ago. She'd be here for quite a while. Till Jan.
east meets west kitchen - No worries. I can understand. I mean you are still having jetlag and lots of things to settle. It was wonderful the outing with you three and sure princess had loads of fun. Will have to meet again once you are more settled.
daphne - Yep, she's here. :) ANd now extending her trip. Hehe. Yes, we had a good time all of us, esp the kids. They loved each other.
OMG!!!.now I know EMWK flying half globe to meet you..that secret trip...can't wait for new update..I'm so 'kan chon" now..wah...I'm cracking my head now how to fly wt my 3 year old daughter to KL in few months by myself..have to get some 'kungfu' from EMWK!!..have a good time here!
singairish, we have been toying the ideal to drop by Singapore and meet you and east meet west kitchen.... maybe do some bakery together! what do you think?
big boys oven - Oh wow!!! When will that be? It'd be great. Come all this way to meet us? That is amazing!
beachlover - Hahaha, of course she didn't come half way round the world to just meet me! She had some family celebration. Ai, nothing to it, 3yr old. Much easier to handle than 2 of them! Hahaha. Is Mishu only 3?? She looks big.
Oh, me so duh, I didn't know she is extending her stay til Jan. That's good because here is snowing and freezing cold!
Oh wow, if BBOven drive down to meet you gals, I so wanna see pictures!!!
little corner of mine - You're not 'duh'. She only made up her mind when she arrived here. She must be super busy with two kids to handle. No time to blog. I have only seen her once. And have not spoken to here since. We both are busy I guess. Maybe after Christmas it better for both of us.
Oh ya, I was blown away. I mean these guys are big timers. Wanna come and meet us??!! Woah!!!
singairish,yes Mishu is going to be 3 coming Jan 25th..She she really big & mature for 3.She wearing size 5-6 clothes now..Wow!!..BBO...going to meet both of you in Sing or KL??,so 'syok ar'.yeah..remember to take all the 'leng chai & leng ma" pix!!
hello babes...where we got to be "leng chai".. just normal blokes lar!!! LOL! how about in january, as I guess everyone is busy year end.
Ohh. EMWK is here. Send my regards to her. I think she is amazing travel so far with 2 kids. I don't think so I can do it on my own!
wow that's amazing to travel with her 2 twins kiddy..i don't think I can handle alone. The adults and kids enjoyed each other company yeh!
cranberry - Yes, tell me about it! Oh yes, we all had fun, was really great meeting up.
Now that's good news about V extending her trip, I did say 5 days' too short and quite ridiculous for our dear ole Singapore :-)
And D, which food court did you bring her to?
beau - I know! I thought it was so ridiculous to fly all that way for 5 days! Anyway, she managed convince her hubby to let them extend.
We went to Food Republic at Vivo.
So are you gonna meet us both when you come back? ;)
wah beau also coming back to Sg? cool!
sue sue - Yes, I will try remember send your regards haha. We've no chance to meet since that first time.
big boys oven - Yes, beau has her brother's wedding to attend. Don't think she's here for too long.
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