It's not just the weather. I am feeling gloomy too, not in relation to it. Had a day all planned out but was ruined by some unexpected circumstance. Initially planned to go Ikea today to pick up some Christmas wrappers, etc, and had promised princess a fun time at the play area. Unfortunately, it was not to be. Felt bad that she had looked forward to it and I had to tell her we couldn't go. Her mind was set on it. So in the end, after a phone call to hubby, he offered to come home to take her out once he'd sorted out his work for today. So thankful to him as I wouldn't have had the energy to entertain her if she'd been home all day. She would have got on my nerves and I would have felt worse than I already am.
While waiting for his return, I needed something to eat as was hungry. It was already 11am, and I hadn't had anything for breakfast. The rain was falling and I couldn't make my way to the market to pick up any food. So decided to make blueberry muffins. It is very easy to make and I had bought some blueberries the other day as they were on offer. I've made them before but I think it is nicer this time round. I added some oats to the topping and it was delicious. When fresh out of the oven, they were crunchy on top. Yummy!Apparently one muffin didn't satisfy my hunger pangs, so when hubby got back and they were out the door, I made a packet of instant noodles with some crabsticks and a poached egg. I love eggs done this way, runny on the inside. I am rather particular about that. If the egg accidentally breaks or becomes overcooked, it will spoil my entire meal. But this time it did not. :)
I had a nap and when I woke, hubby and princess were back and brought dinner. He picked up chicken rice from this shop in Vivo City called The Chicken Rice Shop. I've not tried it before and not sure if it's nice, but kind of a rip off price ($11 for 2 packets).
Hope to be in better spirits tomorrow.
Note : Verdict about chicken rice - I didn't enjoy it at all. I don't know if it was the sauce but it was too sweet, yes I mean the rice too. Awful. I like sweet food but this is over the top. Doesn't go at all well with chicken rice.
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
2 weeks ago
aww.... u poor poor thing... hope u feel better soon *hugs* Cheer up! :)
oh! I hope you feel better. I like the way u do your instant noodles! hehe.runny egg. yum.
that chicken rice shop-i think it originate frm malaysia? Seems to be quite popular over there.
Sorry to hear about yr awful day.
Hope U are feeling better!
The noodles is it that spicy mee pok? I love eggs like that too.
Cheer up soon! *wink*
Hurraaayyy for Hubby today! Thank you for taking care of my best friend... Bet Princess had a good time with daddy too.
paw paw - Thanks for your concern my friend. I think I will feel better tomorrow. No, the noodles are Indomie Mee Goreng. They are also my favourite.
Hello, i guess this is my first time commenting here, anyway, have been reading your blog and your princess's blog for quite some time :)
Hm, was it because of the weather that dampened your mood? Hope you are feeling better already!
The muffins looks good:) & Ilove eggs cooked that way too! love the yolk like that a lot heh.
That type of egg is my ultimate favouite. Never had it on noodles, though - just toast.
Sorry you were not having a good day...I'm sure the rain didn't help. Hopefully you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better today. The blueberry crumble muffins look really yummy! I also added oats in my cumble topping too! :) Too bad to read that the chicken rice doesn't taste good, it actually look pretty good from the picture.
mellie - Thanks dear.
daphne - Thanks, slightly better today. Ya, pity about that chicken rice, but I don't know what it was. It was too sweet for my liking and I only added a few drops of sauce so maybe the rice too is sweet? Well, it was a yellow colour weird too.
karen - Yes, it was nice for him to do that. And he had dinner with overseas colleague after dropping her off at home. But he was blessed for his kind deed. The rain stopped for him to go out then when he had got there it started again. Hehe.
zhengning - Hi there, thanks for visiting. Oh really? You have been visiting both of us? Hehe. No, not really. Wasn't the fault of the weather. I feel slightly better today, thanks. Yup, I love love love those yolks too. :)
Jori - Yes, it's lovely with toast as well. But I don't poach it if eaten with toast. I fry it, but of course with the runny yolk. :P
little corner of mine - Thanks C, a little better today. Yes, they are yummy especially the top. :) Ya, oats are great on the top yes? I should have added some slivered almonds too. Next time I guess. I agree, it did look good.
glad to know that u r better now..
Hey I thought you are going out yesterday. Today relax ok? :-)
Anyway, I like blueberry muffins. This one in the pic look really good :-)_
Well i think ur noodles look much nicer (and definitely tastier) than the chicken rice, not that i'm a big fan of "chook" rice.I'll be there in 2 weeks, so it's sushi time for all!
Looks like the rainy season is gonna stay for quite a while!
Hope yr spirits lifted by now.....*wink*
poor you...hug hug! Isn't great to have a great hubby to come to your rescure!
Hey Debra, sorry to hear you weren't feeling great - drop me a line if you need someone to hear you out or pray with you ,ok? ;o)
Those blueberry muffins look delicious - when I'm hungry I always need something savoury first, though. Eating something sweet would make me feel a little unwell. Strange isn't it?
Hope you are feeling better.
Let me think of sumthing tht can make u smile....hmm...hmmm......err...
DAISO??!! Tht helps? :p I bought sum stuffs from Daiso. I have E same rice moulds like urs now. ;) Anyways, keep smiling aite? Sum ppl dont look good when they dont smile...:D *Refering to myself though* hehe
peony - Yes I am, thanks.
inspiredmumof2 - Hey, my whole week is filled so it was a waste of Wed and I had to push what I had to do to yesterday so that really messed everything up. Thanks, they are really good especially the top. Hehe.
shazz - Yes, the noodles definitely better. Er.. what is 'chook'? Yup, looking forward to sushi with you. Princess too. Wow! Is it two weeks' now?? Time seriously flies. Remember when you said coming back it felt like so far away.
paw paw - Hey P, thanks so much. Am much better today. Yup, rain everyday but the worst was Wednesday. Was a storm from morning to night. Gosh!
trevshanhann - Aww, darling. Thanks for your hugs. Oh yes, of course. But lucky he wasn't swamped at work too.
oh for the love of food! - Carol, thanks thanks. I'm ok. It's not the arthritis, so don't worry. Oh really? Eating sweet will make you unwell? To me, it doesn't matter once it is food. Lol. Just something to put in the tummy. And yes, I am better already. :)
maya - Dear dear Maya, even Daiso wouldn't have cheered me up that day. Haha. Oh, you went to Daiso?? Finally. Did you have fun there? Are you a fan now? Hehe. Blame me blame me. Here's a smile for you - :)
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