The only reason princess was sent to school today was so they could 'babysit' her for me. Haha. She hasn't been to school since last Friday as we've had many activities to occupy us. But I happily signed up for Phoon Huat's Christmas cupcake decor class as I chanced upon a poster on their outlet's door in Bencoolen when I was there on Sunday. I called them up the next day and after trying to get a class for all the evenings, I ended up with this morning's class as the former were all filled up. A quick call to mum and she agreed to pick princess after school. Hurray. Now is mummy's time for some fun!
Samples cuppies for our reference...The tools supplied to us : ready-rolled fondant, gingerbread men, sprinkles, m&m's, etc.
Ahh... but it's only a cake decor class, so why did I have to go sign up for it? I mean, it's simple enough to do on my own, but I lack the confidence in trying out fondant, etc. And also, I'd get to learn to ice cakes and I thought it'd be a great opportunity to learn some things.
And I did. It was intimidating as the chef who was helping out at our table was a bit rushy, I guess due to time constraint. We were each given 12 cuppies with which we could 'paint' on. It's also my first time playing with fondant and it was kind of cute, although I'm not very creative. But I think given time, I should be able to make some things out of it. Haha.The final result... the chef was very kind and made a special 3-in-1 colour icing and also made a white rose for me. Hehe.
The festive season is fast, fast approaching. So much to do, so little time.
Have just MADE little one go to nap as we have a birthday party this evening which will end late, and Daddy said, no more night parties if you don't nap in the day. Oh oh!
Just showing what I had for lunch today. Mum was so kind to pick me up from class after getting little one from school. A quick trip home to put the cuppies in the fridge and we went to have a super quick lunch.Looks like the sunny weather is not lasting the entire day. It's getting dark again and I dread having to go to the party drenched. I'm going to boycott taxis as of Monday as the rates are going up again. The article in the papers said, 'the prices are comparable to HKG and are lower than in Sydney'. Some BIG consolation!! It's getting way too expensive to live in Singapore at this stage. Everything goes up except the salaries!
Enough of my ramblings, going to catch up on some blogs and till my next post. Toodaloo!!
Note - Sigh, my photos did not turn out that great today, not very sharp. Unfortunately I can't turn back the clock and re-take them. Haha!
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
2 weeks ago
Hi Debra! Looks like you had a lot of fun decorating those cupcakes ;o)
I've been SOOOOOOO BUSY, I haven't even begun my christmas shopping -looks like it will have to wait until next week. I'm having 30 people over for a Christmas Dinner Party this Saturday - I started cooking on Tuesday!
Have a Blessed Christmas! xo
That cool!!..cake deco class.Your cake look too pretty to eat:))..How long is the class?..I almost go to cake deco class but I was late a week.
How fun! Well done on your cupcakes decoration, I really like the Christmas tree one, so special. your lunch too, looks so yummy.
what lovely decorated cupcakes! haha.. and that bowl of noodles.. mmm.. must be your reward for all the concentration in class. ;p
and taxi fares are ridiculous in Perth too!
oh for the love of food! - Hi Carol. Oh yes, I had plenty of fun. Wish I could attend your dinner. Hehe! Oh wow, you ARE going to share with us what you cooked ya? *salivating* already. Haha. Good luck with the Christmas shopping. Mine's done except for two little ones. Yippee!
Have a great Christmas too!
beachlover - Oh yes, it was real cool. :) I enjoyed every bit of it. Only wished had more time. It was a 2.5hr class. Oh dear, maybe you can catch the next class?
little corner of mine - Yes! Very fun! And Christmas tree IS my fav too!. Very easy to do, only thing need patience to pipe the icing. Thank God is small. Haha. Yep, I did enjoy the lunch. :)
daphne - Thank you dear. Hahaha, ya reward, right. Oh gosh, I don't even want to think about taxis! I think cheaper to get a car now!
Wow! You have been busy and creative! Good for you! I love your creations! :)
Yummy looking food at Kallang too!
Yeah, the taxi fares are crazy here, and the trouble is that I'm always in a taxi with the kids, especially when it's raining. :(
Deb, time well spent, learning something new each day. Wow.. you seem so busy with all your time, can see having fun indeed. Hee Hee buy a car then:)
hahahaha why not we get sunny yaw and have a baking! Debra, lovely cupcake deco!!!
east meets west kitchen - Yes, have been busy. I see you are too. Haha. Oh thanks, I ran out of creative ideas by the 3rd cuppie. Lol! Oh ya, you don't have to travel all the way to Kallang for those noodles. You can get them at most food courts. I would really like to know what you've been eating. ;) Well, I can't blame you. You have two to handle. It's not easy to go on the buses or mrt.
bozo - Yes, year ends are always like that. They start slow and slowly build to a crescendo. Argh! You think so easy just buy a car ya. Money doesn't grow on trees. Haha.
Big Boys Oven - Ya, Sunny should conduct a class when here. Maybe can tie in with some cooking school or something hehe. Oh thanks for your compliments. Nothing compared to Sunny's creations. :)
wow so nice the cupcakes... yes we all need time to ourselves to destress from our little darlings ha ha
ermmm did u go on thurs 10am class????
trevshanhann - Oh yes, we sure do, don't we? Haha.
karlsfoodie - He he he, why oh why, did I suspect it was you? Hmmm! I was the one who walked out with you and your friend to the bus-stop. Was that you? I just had this sixth sense. Then I had to go back to your blog to see your photo, but I still wasn't sure. SO was it you at the class?
its me lar!!!!!! hahahahahaa
u see i know u r pretty friendly but i din dare make friends w u hahahahaa
so near yet so far...
karlsfoodie - Aiyah you ah! Maybe you more withdrawn hor? But you didn't know it's me mah. Hehe. I thought maybe you'd read my post then you will comment then I can cfm it's you. Hahaha. I don't know why I just had this feeling hehehe. Your friend is very sweet and nice though. Err... don't mean you're not. Maybe you don't make friends so easily? :P But you very familiar with Chef Stephen leh. You've attended his lessons before?
haha u mean when u saw me u aready 'suspect' its mi?? u know my name thr?? hahahaha
erm.. i actualy make friends easily.. if not bcos of past experience.. i tink i yakking all the way w u already since u were pretty friendly haha...
Steven?? He is my shi fu haha.. I started my 1st ever baking class with him.. and never look back since =p.. Patrick is very nice too... Learnt alot from the 2 of them
i can understand why u say my friend is nice n sweet haha.. cos im never sweet hahaa.. she gt a kind face while ermm I got a pretty nasty face if I dun tok/smile
karlsfoodie - No lah. I didn't suspect you from the start but don't ask me what it was. Even when I see your photo in one of your recent posts, I couldn't be sure it was that same girl I met. Dunno why lor. Hehe. But I just know you both are skinny. Hahaha. Wasn't too sure about the face. Then I was waiting to see if you blog about it, but you didn't. LOL!
Oh, I see. Must have been bad experience then. No problem. There is always next time.
Aiyoh that Steven made me very kan cheong, rush rush rush. Patrick is which one? I like one of the chefs, he was very patient and nice. Not sure if Patrick or what his name is.
Yes, she got a kind an sweet, smiling face.
hee bet ur 6th sense works hahahaa
steven forever make ppl very gan cheong.. I tink I almost end my baking hobby bcos of his gan cheongness hahahaa make mi so stress sometimes..
Patrick.. hmmm he wasnt in the chef uni .. he is the hands on class instructor actualy but he came in for a little while n chatted w him lar hee
the other chefs I wasnt familiar w them but i find vincent quite nice n patient too
as to WHY i din blog bout it... actualy I refuse to let ppl know i went for tat class cos we both felt so stupid thr... hahaahaa u know my friend is a sugar paste queen .. and i also can do a little of sugar paste so we wonder what r we doing thr
anyway hehe paiseh flood ur comment box.. email me lar =) my email u have???
karlsfoodie - Oh my goodness! Really ah, because of him you almost gave up baking?? Aiyoh, lucky you persevered. Ya lor, he also made me so kan cheong. And it's only decorating class! I think I pengsan man if baking. Yes, the other 2 chefs are much nicer and patient. But Stephen in the end quite nice lah. Made me the three colour cream cos I a bit lagging hahaha, so many left to frost.
Oh sorry ah I revealed that you went there. Hehehe. Pai seh pai seh.
Oh I don't have your email lah. Just leave i won't publish.
Wow, you sure are busy! Really regret to miss the cupcake deco class but what to do, no one help me with kids for that week.
inspiredmumof2 - Oh yes, you would have had fun. Missed you there too. Maybe next time we'll do something else together.
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