We signed up for inline skating classes for princess. It's a 1 to 1 lesson and the instructor was very good - patient and nice. We were advised that the pair of skates which we purchased earlier were no good at all. There were no ball bearings in them thus she wasn't able to glide. It was a problem I noticed the past few times she tried to skate, and I thought the problem was her, but apparently it wasn't her fault. So we had to get new proper skates for her. It was a little tricky at the start as the wheels were very much smoother than the other pair. But she managed to get used to them pretty quickly. And the other instructor was impressed that she could move around quite well learning on her own in the past few days. According to him, most first-timers can't even stand up.After a gruelling workout, it was time for a hearty lunch. We visited Westlake and were not disappointed as everything that we ordered turned out great. We had xiao bai chye (my favourite veg), sweet and sour pork, yang chow fried rice, and a cream corn and chicken soup. All 'ang moh' food. Haha. Everything was done to perfection, and I loved that the pork was crunchy and not too meaty.
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
2 weeks ago
Hey, nice blog you have too! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
lovely meal.
your girl must have enjoyed her lesson v much.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Princess is really a fast learner, in no time she will be skating like a pro. The food sure looks delicious and we love yang chow fried rice too!
princess is a fast learner, bravo!
why you said the dishes were 'ang moh' food? do yo mean it as none of the dishes were spicy?
hahahah..half of your family is angmoh mah, just kidding.
camemberu - Thanks. A happy new year to you too.
peony - Yes, no regrets. Food was lovely. Oh yes, she did enjoy but only in the first half hour. Haha. After that she tried to take many 'rests'. Was too tedious an hour and the skates needed lots of control so her thighs must have been tired. A wonderful new year to you and your family.
little corner of mine - Oh haha, I guess so. Then we can't catch her. I love the fried rice too. :)
hkchoo - Hehe, thanks. 'Ang Moh' food ah... hahaha... cos ang mohs all love sweet sour pork, fried rice types. Can't go wrong with those.
m sure princess will learn it in no time...looks like she enjoyed herself.
Must be fun..... can I ride one? lol!
oh wow your princess was so steady puu-pee-pee!! Bravo! That's a good meal yeh! Me too had yang chow fried rice and sweet & sour pork for dinner tonite.. yummy...
trevshanhann - Oh yes, I'm sure she will. And she did enjoy herself.
big boys oven - I'm sure it is. I've never tried it. Of course you can. :)
cranberry - Hahaha, I know. She surprised us all with her determination to succeed. Yes, the meal was delicious. Oh you did? Hehe. How coincidental.
hmmmm your princess can really skate well.Sorry ,didn't drop by for a while,busy planning my trip home.I remember when I learn skate by myself in the park at night time,it's really hard.Already old how to learn?.all my bone is crackling...hahaha!!..atleast fall down nobody see!!..but after few tried,I gave up.I only know how to skate straigh,dunno how to put a brake to stop!! In Manhattan everyone skate to work,they use skate as transportation,so I think I must give a try...I still have the inline skate with me,lucky I didn't buy the expensive..if not just gather dust in garage!.
beachlover - Hey, no worries, babe. I don't visit you that often too, haha. Cos am super busy. Wow, when you going back for visit? Coming Singapore too? Will you meet Sunny in M'sia?
Oh gosh, poor thing, must skate in the night time. Hahaha. But wow, I cannot even do that. Never skated in my life. Aiyah, can skate straight very good liao.
Time to take them out and learn with Mishu. Haha.
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