Alrighty, time for some updating... have been busy since Friday and usually not able to update much on the weekends as am often busy with this and that. Also, ballet term has started so no more Saturday mornings wasted sitting in front of the mac. Speaking of Saturdays, I was so so unlucky to fall going down the steps outside Parkway. Sigh. Don't know what could have happened as didn't trip over anything. But I suspect my knees may have been weak. Falling is something that I often fear happening as I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis (inflammation of the joints), thus I am afraid when I do fall and hurt myself, it will take a longer time than a normal healthy person would, to recover from it. I felt so sorry for princess, as it was after ballet class and we were going for lunch there. I was holding on to her hand and pulled her down together with me. She said I hurt her hand and was on the verge of tears. I thought she had scrapped her arm against the stone ground but it wasn't that. It was just the strength with which I used to pull her that hurt her. Sorry princess, and thank you for being such an angel and putting ice packs on mummy. We couldn't go for lunch after that as I was hurting in both my feet, so made our way to the taxi stand. Poor princess was looking forward to lunch at the Coffee Bean. Thank goodness I had picked up her favourite waffle on the way to Parkway and gave her that to appease her.
It wasn't till last evening that I felt aches in my right hip bone and back. But after a good nights' sleep, I felt much better this morning. It still aches in the places I mentioned and in the right foot as well but it should clear soon. I thank God that I did not suffer anything worse. My guardian angel must have been watching over me.
Going back to Friday, princess' classmate had a birthday party and from what I know, invited the entire class. I'm not sure though, but not everyone turned up. I know some kids had parents working so they go to full day school and thus could not make it. But nonetheless, it was plenty of fun. The day started out ok weather-wise, but when it came to noon time, the skies changed to really dark clouds and as I was waiting for the school bus, it started raining cats and dogs. I was thinking how sad as it was going to be a pool party. Hope that it'd clear by 4, which was when the party was to have started.
Check out the lovely fruit kebabs. A beautiful fairy drawn by a wonderfully artistic tattoo artist.
Having some fun in the pool after the rain cleared. This was the highlight of the party.
A most lovely Ariel birthday cake.
We went to Parkway today after church - yes, the scene of the 'crime'. Chanced upon this balloon sculpture artist who was selling the balloons he had created. Loads of beautiful ones. I particularly liked the Thomas the Tank Engine and a little ladybird for the wrist. He happened to be one half of a husband and wife team whom I had engaged for princess' 1st birthday party. I said it to him and he was delighted to meet us. Although hubby reminded me later that it was his wife who was at our party. Haha. He said he'd give us a discount on the Ariel that princess had picked out. And it was a very generous discount. How sweet of him. Thank you Mr Balloon Sculpture artist. (goodness, I sound like the Higglytown Heroes here - hahaha)
So while princess was away at art class this afternoon, I was preparing dinner. Princess comes in the door.
Princess : 'Mummy, are we having pasta?' (it's her most favourite food)
Me : 'Yes, how do you know?'
Princess : 'Daddy said so'
She runs into kitchen, sniffs sniffs, 'mmm...yummy'.
Haha, doesn't that just make your day? It does for me.
Oops, remember my honey chicken? This was what happened to the last 1/3 of it. ;)
For the benefit of Sam, one very busy working mum, here's the recipe for the pasta, although I'm not good with recipes. I just cook by feel.
Stir Fried Pasta with Olive Oil
Ingredients (again it's really up to you and what you have in the fridge, it's really like fried rice Italian style) -
What I had was broccoli, young corns, onions, garlic, prawns, fresh button mushroom (I only use fresh but you can use canned), leftover honey chicken, and cheese sausages (any kind will do). I tend to use Penne for this dish. I think it goes well with it.
Method -
1. Fry onion in olive oil till caramelized.
2. Add prawns and quickly fry till just turned red. Do not overcook. Remove from pan.
3. Add sliced garlic and fry till fragrant, then add in cold chicken, vegetables, and rest of ingredients. Sprinkle Italian Seasoning and some black pepper.
4. When ingredients are cooked, add pasta, prawns, salt and pepper to taste.
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
2 weeks ago
Loved the look of the fruit kebabs!Great party idea... will try it out sometime. And yes, it's most rewarding when a child shows appreciation for anything that you do, especially if it's the food you cook heheheh... Yummy Mummy - that's what you are la.
Sorry to hear about your fall - but very glad you are not seriously hurt.
I have lupus, and know how much pain the simpliest motions can sometimes cause. I slipped on a wet dance floor at a Christmas party last year, and ended up having to have surgery on my broken wrist!
Nice to know princess wasn't injured in the fall, too. Sounds to me like she is partially your guardian angel...
Karen - Hehe. Me, Yummy Mummy? I like the sound of that. Thanks. ;)
Jori - Thanks for your concern. Yes I'm fine and yes, she is my guardian angel this time. Sorry to hear you have lupus, and also that you had to have surgery on your wrist. Is it serious and under control? I have an aunt and a distant aunt who both have lupus. One was lucky like you to have 2 kids and only contracted it after. The other is my mum's cousin whom I'm not too familiar with. She couldn't have a child and they had to adopt. Also, I hear she's having problems with kidney. Maybe a side effect of medication?
really glad that you are fine after your fall... poor you. princess is a real sweetie lah..
Thanks trevshannhann. Yup, she can be, when she is not a monster.
Did not know you fell until I read this part of your blog today. Hope your condition will get better soon :-)
inspiredmumof2 - Thanks, I am better.
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