Got up super early this morning at 6am, after having gone to bed at 12mn. Gosh! Couldn't pack the cuppies last night as I didn't have enough airtight storage boxes. Had to print out the tags and paste them on the cover of the containers, etc, all done this morning. I could have done them after baking the cuppies but was too tired after cleaning up. Just wanted to relax and sit in front of the mac. Thank God managed to get them ready on time, woke up the sleeping child, prepared her milk etc, and got out of the house in time to meet the school bus, with a few minutes to spare.
Today is a joint celebration with the kids from the neighbouring PCF kindy. How nice, right? They also have a Reading Festival earlier part of the year where they get together with the other school as well.
It's a busy morning for them and their celebrations begin at 8.30am and they won't be in class all day. It'll end at 11.30am, just in time to go home. So hope the teacher has no problems handing out the cuppies.
I tried one this morning, of course from the last batch that was too long in the oven, so was too dry, not pleased at all with this recipe. Maybe I will make some modifications, add some milk or something. Any ideas?
All ready for the ride to school.Oh no, oh no, oh no (*knocks her head*). I totally forgot about the gift for the Children's Society!!! Yikes. Thank goodness I even remembered it now. Have to wrap something up for a charity donation thingy, to show the kids in the Children's homes that they are thought of on this special day. It's not too late. Just have to go earlier to school and pass gift over. It's days like these that I am thankful I stock up on gifts.
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
2 weeks ago
Hi D,
That was so nice of you to bake cupcakes for all the kids. I admire you for your efforts. I don't think I have the patience to do it. Also, congrats on the Blogger Award! Bet you're proud of yourself. Oh, and I've been meaning to compliment you on the presentation of Princess' meals. I would like to do that for Nate, at lease make it cute for him but I know he'll play with his food than eat it. Anyways, happy blogging!
Wow, luv the packaging of your cakes. I bet the kids love it.
Hi Jo - Thanks. Although I'm not happy with the end result. it looked nice and all but was dry inside. :( Ah yes, very pleased with the award, considering I've only been blogging for 2 plus months now. Haha, maybe when he's older you can do it. Right now he's still small so he's still exploring.
Hi Sue Sue - Thanks. Oh yes, teacher said they had only a small sausage bun for snack and they were asking for more food so she remembered the cupcakes and gave them to the kids instead of sending them home with it. Haha.
Oh Goodness, that's alot of work, effort and care!!! Those kids were certainly lucky for once.
I also admire the way you bother to make food look attractive to your Princess, I just hang the cane over mine and force them to eat whatever's on offer.
beau lotus - Rofl. But you have 4 kids, how to make them look pretty? Where got time? But you know what I think is very cute? No matter where in the world we go, I think still being Asian, there's always the cane to follow us. Hahaha. I use it too but most times just to threaten. I just have to raise it and she'll start pleading, 'don't cane me please mummy'. Then she'll behave.
Your girls's class must be trilled..sure made their children's day special esp less fortunate kids
Oh ya I'm sure. It's nice this school. Every month they have a theme and last month they learnt about different countries and got to know about the cambodian kids and teacher told them about their plights and it teaches them about what third world kids go through. My girl was pretty affected by it, she was sad when she heard about what they ate etc. It teaches them compassion.
I like the end result. The packaging makes it look so nice!
littlecornerofmine - Thanks :)
I love the packaging too, very lovely indeed.
Cran - Thanks. :)
Hi, just ventured into your blog. Nice! The cup cakes look good in their plastic dome. May I know where you get those domes from? I've been putting my cupcakes into little bags and seeing them get all crushed. Thanks in advance.
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