Just what have I been up to, no posts today. Definitely not bored. :) Faced my fears today. Took the plunge and baked like mad. I will post recipes soon, not tonight. Very proud of myself that I made my first bread. I borrowed a kids' cookery book and came across a very cute recipe of bread in the shape of bear paws. Been wanting to try it for ages, but each time, I'd be lacking one ingredient. So made it a point to get all my ingredients in order today. Even though it's from a kids' cookbook, it is by no means child's play. Oh boy. I didn't even know if it'd turn out. It's not super soft like Breadtalk's, but it's quite nice. Got a nice texture to it.
Here I present to you... Big Foot Rolls. Ok, ok, so some of the toes are a bit deformed. I'd work on it. ;)The second thing I baked today was cookies and cream cupcakes. It's my first time making them and trying this recipe which I found on some website. I find the cake a bit dry but it might get better overnight. Anyway, kids are not fussy especially if it contains oreo biscuits. :) Baked them for the kids in princess' class so they can take them home. It's a treat for them for Children's Day. Have to get up super early in the morning to add final touches and pack them.
After an evening of baking... sigh... no wonder I'm exhausted.
Oops, I meant to say, hubby was commenting that my blog's getting popular. Hehe. He reads it sometimes. But I have to say the award helped to draw in the crowd, so thanks Peony dear. A big hug for you.
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
2 weeks ago
You're a SUPERMUM! Baking and cooking up a storm! I;m sure the kids will love the PAWS, toes or not toes heheheh
Me? I just went out and got some chocs and candies, put them into 31 boxes and tied ribbons for T's classmates, another 29 pouches with strings for J's classmates... No energy to bake.... or just not big enough oven. If I had to do what you did, I'd have to start last week hehehe
see ya tomorrow, with baju, jelly and fishy cakey..xxx
Funny, funny, ha, ha. No, the bread is not for school. Only the cuppies. Will bring 2 paws for you tomorrow if I'm not rushed and remember. Yes yes, jelly, fish cake, etc. Thanks.
I take it your ant problem has been fully removed?? Glad to hear that.
Your bear paws look incredible!
What is Children's Day? I've never heard of this before - we don't have a special day here in Canada for that.
Noooo... shhhh. They are still around. I just pray my kitchen will be okay in the morning. I cleaned everything well in there so fingers crossed. Also left loads of cloves around as was told they hate that. Children's Day is a special day for the kids. They get the day off, and there'll usually be a celebration in school, parties and fun. We have Teacher's Day too. Do you have that?
Oh, and thank you for your compliment on the paws. I think they are adorable. :) You can try it too.
Your big foot rolls are so cute! I saw it before at Hugbear's blog too.
The Big Foot paws is so cute. Look at the load of washing same as mine after baking, I am real exhausted of the washing and cleaning.
littlecornerofmine - Oh really? Hehe, sometimes you just need a little bit of imagination but I think I need go for lessons with cranberry or peony to learn to make bread. Theirs always turn out so beautiful n soft.
Sue Sue - Oh, tell me about it. Non-stop washing throughout. At the end of it you can't even stand up. Haha.
wow baking bread... great... didn't give anything to my kid's class this year... suddenly i have no energy coz baby has started walking jumping and climbing all at once... ha ah
Ah ha ha ha. Good luck with the baby.
wow, you are full of energy, baking up a storm! hehe.. those big food rolls are so cute..you must have put in alot of effort to mould the shape.. bravo!
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