Decided not to send princess to school yesterday as she slept very late the night before. She was quite well-behaved most of yesterday, thank God, and we baked some gingerbread biscuits last evening. A mistake of mine, as I had forgotten to take the roll of gingerbread dough out to defrost earlier. I got the ready roll from IKEA. They had them last year but they were sold out before I could get my hands on them. They turned out really well and so simple to do. But I agree with Peony, they are a little sweet, but edible. Loved the scent of gingerbread wafting through the house as we baked. Reminds me of Christmas. Speaking of which, I can't wait for tomorrow to get my tree. Yippee!!!
This dough is recommended if you don't want all the mess and hassle and just want to occupy the kids with an activity. Is easy and they get to play them like play dough and quick to bake.
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
2 weeks ago
Noticed your new 'food clock' - what a great addition to your blog! Really like the gingerbread slide show - but where are the finished, decorated pictures?? You two have so much fun together!
Yes yes yes, thanks for noticing. I love that clock. :) Nope, have not decorated cos mummy was way too lazy. Wanted to do them today. Maybe tomorrow....
my hubby loves gingerbread but i don't ha ha maybe eill bake some for him!!
Nice, really something to occupy your kid.
trevshanhann - Eh, your hubby loves to eat huh? Haha. He sure loves loads of stuff. Bake it for him, so convenient and S will enjoy helping you. ;)
little corner of mine - Yes, indeed.
I love any activities with the little ones, and yours is definitely a great one. Am also missing IKEA since there isn't one in this state. Now I can't wait to make some gingerbread cookies too! :)
east meets west kitchen - Oh yes, you bake and cook loads and I think your girls are old enough to help you in the kitchen. Even not with baking, but every day things like washing veg etc, but now being winter, water might be too cold for them. Ahh... you must visit IKEA Tampines the new store when back. It's huge. But you have too much to handle for 5 days. Maybe next trip. They got lovely X'mas stuff. Changed my mind. You must go! Hehe.
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