Every year at this time of the year, we look forward to the funfair at mum's church. It's so full of fun with lots of games and activities, as well as needless to say, plenty of food. The highlight of this funfair for princess is the ritual of getting her face painted and doing some manicure and pedicure. Unfortunately, we were a little down on our luck this year. We arrived late... just after 12pm and most of the food had been sold out, plus there was no nailart stall this year. What a letdown. Princess was so looking forward to getting her nails painted. Thank God I distracted her with other things so she wasn't too disappointed by it.
Mum usually buys lots of coupons and we'll spend them all on buying food home - brownies, dim sum, cakes, etc. Sometimes I even buy food for dinner so I don't have to cook for that evening. However, I only managed to get some nonya kueh and just had a little lunch of fried carrot cake, with otah and siew mai. The siew mai were selling 1 for $1!!! The carrot or radish cake looked a little plain and not completely appetizing but was surprisingly quite tasty. The otah was nice. I believe they were homemade, including the kueh kueh.After a quick lunch, it was off to get our face painted. We usually do a full face butterfly. This lady is very talented and she's there every year. There's always a queue and as she's usually a one-man show, you have to wait quite a bit as it takes some time to paint an entire face. For today, we only wanted one cheek painted as we were off to watch the play 'Scrooge' afterwards and didn't want to scare anybody off with a fully painted face. Haha. So we asked the dear auntie to paint us a little rainbow, complete with silver and gold glitter.
Next we were off to the bouncy castle for a 20-minute workout.
We couldn't last 20 minutes in there and came out after 15. Then we bounced off to the 'golf course'.
We caught someone being dunked into the water. What a thrill!
Now, we practise our chopsticks skills. We managed 3 little marbles. That's not too bad. And we could pick some little sweets as our prize. Of course they were gobbled up in an instant.
At the end of it, mum was rewarded with a prize from the lucky draw. We had to leave the funfair to make our way to the play and mum received a call from a friend whom she had left her lucky draw tickets with. She had won the 8th prize! Whoopee!!! And I am the lucky recipient of the little photo printer, not that I need one. Haha. Thanks so much mummy.
We were very early for the play and decided to take a walk around Robertson Walk to check out the area. Mum had read about this chocolate specialty place called Laurent. As you enter the place, you get a feeling of unfriendliness with a sign posted on the door that says 'No pictures please' (as you will disturb the other patrons in small prints on the menu or somewhere I saw it). Mum wanted to check it out and try the chocolate desserts on offer. Princess picked the chocolate apricot cake. I don't know what the actual name was as I did not go to the counter to have a look. I ordered the Iced Chocolate while mum had a coffee and princess had the cake. The iced chocolate was very rich, but nothing to shout about. The cake was a little on the disappointing side, a bit dry.
The rebel in me decided to snap a photo with my mobile. Picture's not great but it's not about the quality of the photo. It's about defiance. :PFollowing our little 'tea', we strolled over to the Singapore Repertory Theatre at the DBS Arts Centre. Here we met up with K and the boys for the play 'Scrooge'. I enjoyed it and so did princess. It was a lovely production, and an interactive play which involved the participation of the audience. Princess' school had arranged to take the kids there in Dec but I was invited by K earlier and we had already planned to go from a couple of months' back. It would have been nice for princess to go with the class, but oh well, maybe next time. I love that there are plays for little children and SRT specializes in these. It exposes them to theatre productions and that's lovely. I enjoy watching musicals and plays and hopefully little one will enjoy it too. So far it looks promising. :) We hope to catch 'The Emperor's New Clothes' in March 08. Have been asked to go for the Swan Lake production in December but am still considering it as ballet is so not my kind of thing. We'll decide soon.
So all in all, it was a fulfilling activity-filled Sunday and next weekend as well, we have 2 birthday parties to attend! God help me.
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
2 weeks ago
wow ! what a fun filled day... Princess must be tired out ha ha
Whew...I'm exhausted just reading about your day!
And good for you for snapping that picture! I could never imagine seeing that sort of sign! Yeah you!!
"it's not about the quality of the photo. It's about defiance." Haha! A gud 1...I lurve tht line of urs! E rebel at work :p
Looks like you and Princess had a Ball of a time! I've been in that place you mentioned in Robertson Walk - they have a Chocolate cold room as I remember it, but I didn't think they needed it because the owner/staff in there were cold enough to keep the chocolate from melting! What stuffy people! I was not impressed so we decided not to have anything there. We went to MACARONS instead. much better.
Congratulations on winning the HP printer!
trevshanhann - Oh yes, she was. Couldn't get out of bed this morning. I think it was more fun for her than me haha.
jori - Doesn't it? I wasn't even the one playing games and such and I felt tired. Hehe. I just had to do it under the watchful eyes of the staff. Haha. That was my thrill. ;)
maya - Hehehe.
oh for the love of food! - Oh really? You were there and you felt the same? Gosh, I thought it was just me feeling over-sensitive. But mum was super keen to try out their stuff so... I saw Canele after, when walking over to SRT. Pity. Yes, I believe it must have been a cold room, I don't know as I didn't ask. Probably only the owner was in there preparing chocs. It was a separate area as you enter. I mean it looked nice, but still, what's there to be so proud about.
Wow wow wow.. what a fun filled weekend and with all the face painting. Hee hee congrats on your receiving the mini photo printer!Lucky girl you :)
that's a very fulfilling day...glad that you have bounced back to blogging and more :)
bozo - Hahaha, yes, it was funfilled. And thanks. Hubby wanted mum to sell off printer but realized it wasn't very popular so will keep it for our own use.
hkchoo - Oh yes, now in a better mood to blog. :)
oh what an exciting day!!! Too bad she missed the nail painting but those activities look great! congrats on winning the printer too.. hehe
What a fun day! I love your princess's dress, very pretty and colorful, I like! Congrats on your photo printer too! :)
Wow! Sounds like a terrific day! I am so envious that your little princess can pick up marbles with her chopsticks! I must practice my chopsticks more. LOL!
Good luck for the next 2 weekends. :)
daphne - Yes, it was disappointing for her... but have been busy so no time to do them for her at home yet. Ya, they were really fun games, and thanks. The printer isn't even set up yet. Hehe.
little corner of mine - Ah thanks. I love that dress too. :) Got it at the Zara sale. Hehe.
East Meets West Kitchen - You bet it was. You mean your chopsticks skills have gone down the drain?! Must practise! Chinese must be able use chopsticks. Hehe. Train up your kids too. Oh boy, the busy weekend starts today!
Can see that your princess is having fun yeh! Your mum is so lucky and congratulation to u for being the new owner!:)
Oh yes, she's the one who had the most fun. :) Haha, ya thanks.
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