Have a couple of hours free before we have to leave for a birthday party. I have been rather 'silent' the last few days. Just been tired and not wanting to do much. But we were invited to a Halloween party last evening at a friend's, and I was busy baking on Friday, both for the party and also baking a little cake for my grandma's birthday. We couldn't make it to her birthday dinner as I had already agreed to the Halloween party weeks ago. So, sorry Ah Ma. Hope you had a good dinner.
So yesterday saw me decorating the cakes and preparing a dish of stir fried pasta as it was a potluck party and everyone was to bring a dish.
This is for Ah Ma - a simply decorated chocolate cake.These were the cuppies that I decorated with help from my little princess, as well as the 'big' helpers - the ready icings, gummies, and sweeties. I got ideas from a kids' cake decorating book which had all these lovely designs. Also made little bags for 'trick or treat' filled with eyeballs, and gummy worms, plus some rice crispies marshmallow melts which I had made earlier.
~ Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'm gonna eat some worms. Big, fat juicy ones, long thin slimy ones, itsy bitsy, teeny weeny worms. First you bite their heads off, then you suck their guts out, see how they wriggle and they squirm... ~
Thank you Sam & your extended family for inviting us to join your gathering. Princess had loads of fun, especially the dancing part, but she still says the dance part was 'boring' as she preferred the games. Thanks Uncle A for being her wonderful partner. You rock, by the way. ;)Before we left home, hubby was asking, erm, what is this party for again? I said 'halloween', and he said, 'oh, any excuse to have a party'. Haha, I agree. We don't celebrate Halloween but Eurasians being Eurasians love a good time and a good party, so even though we were all Christians there, it was all for the fun of it, getting to dress up and have a good time. The food was good too, especially the curry chicken, oh so shiok, with the baguettes.
Thanks for a wonderful time, and to the organizers who set everything up so well, I'd like to say 'great job!'. Thanks also to a talented Sam who so kindly sewed and donated the halloween bags for all the kids for their treats.
I have to say you (Sam) chose the perfect location for the party, and it sure was spooky with the resident bats flying around, and not to mention the cats which I hope G was not joking, but she said 8 live there??? The bats don't spook me! It's the cats.
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
2 weeks ago
wah, that's so much for the silence ya? if you are silent for longer period comes christmas time, i will get to see a gingerbread house??
the "eyeballs" are interesting, how'd you do that?
very nice bakes from the heart..you model the angel on the cake for your granny?
impressive cupcakes as well, go deb go.
hk choo - Huh, no lah, my house can't do gingerbread house. I don't want creepy crawlies visiting.
Ah, the eye balls I cut a marshmallow in half then placed a black smarties on top then use some icing to do the veins.
Ah, thank you. Erm... no lah, me no angel. Lol!
*blush blush* thank you.
Wow, you really can decorate well. The halloween cupcakes looks great. *Drooling* :-)_ now when I see your Ah Ma's chocolate cake...Quiet quiet ah and look what you have produced ;-)
WOW WOW! Such a great Halloween party! Even I never been to a Halloween party before. You made some spooky cupcakes and treat too! Nice!
thanks for the explanation on the single eyeballs...i meant those on the top right pix, i think those are store-boughts upon taking a closer look?
hk choo - Ohhh, those... they are chocolates.
inspiredmumof2 - Ok, I know this is Halloween time and all, but it's really spooky. I posted a comment earlier but apparently not gone through.
Thanks for your compliments. :) I just followed the book. Lol! I only try my best.
little corner of mine - You've never been to one? I'm surprised. It's a big thing in the States. Hehe, thanks for the compliments. :)
Must be a fun filled party with all the foodies and exotic treats.
Wow! what an excellent halloween party that was! Your little spooky cupcakes are soooo adorable! my kids would have LOVED to be there. I don't bother much about Halloween, my sis organizes smashing halloween parties for my girls and her son. Last year, she even made a video for me to see what was going on at the party. She had costumes and make up for her and the kids, a real pumpkin Jack o ' lantern, skeletons hanging everywhere, the whole works! This year's party is this Saturday and the kids are so looking forward to it!
Your cake for your Ah Ma is lovely too, you're so thoughtful. Why have you been silent? Wanna talk? you have my e-mail..
Oh I forgot to ask, Where are you in the photo? I like putting a face to a name! ;o)
Hi Deb, a gread big Thank you for the lovely contributions to the Party! tell princess to view her blog as well
bozo - Oh yes, it sure was.
oh for the love of food - Oh, yes, was a great party but I spent all day standing and doing stuff at home preparing for it, I just was totally knackered by party time. Hehe. Your kids would, I'm sure. Ah, so the party is this coming Saturday?
Oh thanks, ya, I couldn't be there for the dinner so made her something.
Haha, me not in picture.
lilltots - Thanks to you for the party. And you're most welcome. Yes, will get her see her blog later.
Oooh...I do love the wormy cupcake & the halloween bags too. Can I get one? Wormy song's great isn't it? Brings back memories of childhood :)
It really was a great party and was not kidding about the cats
I am organising a halloween party on the 31st(last minute thingy). A small affair tis year. I will be very busy tomorrow and tomorrow.
I should have seen this earlier...so I can steal your ideas......haha! Tooo late.
Love yr spooky cuppies
And yr cake for ah ma...is lovely.
shazz - Yes, the wormy is my favourite too. Err.. the bag, I'll have to ask friend. Ahh... thanks to you for that wormy song. I forgot all about it. ;) It sure does remind of school days which was super long ago.
trevshanhann - You are so kidding!
paw paw - Not too late. You can still get the stuff! Thanks for your compliments.
Wow how nice if I can organize a Hallowen Party at my place but sure nobody turn up. I think d kids will love it. Love ur Hallowen cupcakes and the goodies u prepare for the kids!
sue sue - Thanks. I'm sure kids will come if you have a party. It doesn't have to be scary Halloween. They can dress up in whatever costumes. Mine went as a rock star and she won 1st runner-up. :)
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