It's a very windy, chilly morning. I mean, it's unusual for Singapore to experience such a low temperature morning (25 deg C). I had to hug princess real tight while waiting for the bus, more to keep myself warm (haha) as she had a cardigan on.
Just hope it's not going to be a super wet day today. The sky was extremely dark at 7, but it seems to have cleared off a bit.
Right, on to the birthday party yesterday. It was great fun at XR's party, and there wasn't even a need for games as the kids just found their own fun around the house with toys that were lying around and also with the trampoline and the in-house swing. Although, it was rather nerve-wrecking to see the kids swinging so high and the possibility of them swinging themselves out of the balcony window. 8 levels is a long way to go down. I shudder at the thought.
B & hubs, CC, have a wonderful house. Really lovely, and I'm sure all the adults agreed on that. Big and spacious even though in an apartment building, so although there were many of us, it didn't seem like it. There was a lovely patio and an enormous balcony and the weather was excellent, with a nice wind blowing all the way through. A very open concept apartment. It was great also as the kids got to play outside of class and were able to have fun not within the constraints of the school environment. And also a Happy Birthday to B who shares the same birthdate as her son. Well, many of us didn't know, and I believe most still don't. ;) But it was a success, B, so it was well-worth your effort. Thanks for the lovely goodies.
MIL sent over these - the first is my favourite toy catalogue from Dublin, hehe, I just love browsing through the wide selection of toys. They only have them twice a year - Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter. And she remembered that I like to dabble in a little cross-stitching. Nothing fanciful, not like what the Dutchess does, just small little projects for cards etc. She came across this magazine at the news agent's and sent it over to me. Thanks mum.
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
2 weeks ago
early Chrsitmas pressie for you ya? what are within the pages of the toy catalogues, must be all the new gadgets in town for the kids? i think the way you collect them is just like how i collect ikea catalogues yearly, hahha..
Aiyah, toy catalogue lah so all toys. Hehe. I also collect Ikea. ;)
hayoye, not necessarily ikea catalogue, not confined to furniture only mah...know what i mean, jelly bean?
it's coming to that time of the year (christmas) so definately lots of toys!!!
hk choo - si mi jelly bean lah?! lol!
trevshanhann - Oh yes, I love my place this time of year. The breeze is so nice. Unlike yours all year round got breeze, with sea just across the road.
October is realy a Birthday & Party season....
Now the month's coming to an end...can't wait to put up the
paw paw - I must so meet you! I like you already! My mum was shopping last week and said, 'how come I don't see the Christmas stuff out yet!'. Goodness, I told her, it's not even Deepavali yet! But yes, I can't can't wait for Ikea trees to be out mid Nov?
I see some shops....selling X'mas deco already.
Yr fav. hangout 'Daiso' is one of them....*wink*
Meet up....sure....!
paw paw - I know that. I have seen. It's been a couple of weeks since they put them out. :)
Wow! Debra you've got an awesome MIL.. early Christmas gift huh?
I've always love this time of the year... cool and not humid!
bozo - Oh, not Christmas present lah. Haha. It's a magazine only. ;)
I love this time of the year too, the festive feeling that comes with it.
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