The new school year has dawned upon us on this beautiful day of 4th January 2010. Really glad to have my girl go back to school after a 6-week break. She begins Primary 2 this year. The house is all quiet again and I am beginning to pick up the pieces left behind from last year. We were greeted by showers of blessing early this morning, beginning at 6.15am. It was lovely and cold, but the rain was light, no thunderstorm today. What a blessing. The bus came right on the dot at 6.50am with her friends waving at her from within. They must miss each other so.
Princess has requested for food to bring to school and I agree it's a good idea, although I need to get up earlier to prepare the bentos. This week especially, will be a culture shock for them as the Primary 1s were all alone in the afternoon session last year, and this year, she, being in the morning session, will be mingling with a whole lot more kids ranging from Pri 2-6, thus the entire school will be there! Imagine the mess! So I thought it'd be good if she didn't have to queue or fight with others to buy food. I decided to pack her ham sandwiches and some fruits. She did tell me last evening that 'I don't need a pretty bento, Mummy, I just want food'. Hahaha. What a sensible child. Thank goodness today's bento was pretty easy to prepare but then again, I need to prepare breakfast for her to eat in the bus on the way in as well. It took me 25mins to do all that. I think everything was timed nicely so waking up at 6am is the ideal time. :)
These yummy breakfast waffles were really easy to get ready. I just popped them in the oven while I went about preparing her recess bento. They are a gift from lovely friend. Thanks! She made them herself and froze them for us. How kind is that? :)Ah, yes, this lovely bento box is the latest addition to the 'family', you know which one. ;) Sanrio's having lucky dips at the moment and I decided to try my luck out. This was the thing I wanted the most and guess what??? I picked it out in the dip! Cool, right?
I love this azuma which I thought was very pretty and complimented my new bento.
Another sandwich box. Love it!
Princess picked this out... a photo album.
Her spanking new Trek MT220 Girls 2010. It's her Christmas cum birthday present. Daddy has plans to cycle to the new gardens at Marina when it's ready. He's training her up now to ride with confidence. Alas, he has to go slow as Jan-Mar are not good months to be doing sports like cycling and inline skating. Playing catching is also out of the question. March, being the month of ballet exams, they train from Jan and it's intensive, so it'd be a real pity if an arm or leg is broken. They can kiss the exams goodbye. For the last few years, in the ballet grade above princess', there were a few girls with arms n leg casts. Gosh! And they were all in the same class! Must be super active kids. Hahha.
On 1st Jan 2010, we were invited to S's party at an indoor play area. It was a lovely place, and a very nice party. The parents hired a jester to play games with the kids and he was very good. He even ate a balloon, ok, don't try that at home. It was gross!
Here below is all the yummy party food which was way too much. But very lovely burgers, delicious and juicy.
Fish & ChipsChicken Nuggets (The kids' favourite)
Potato wedges
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
4 weeks ago
Princess is very thoughtful to have said that, so that Mummy can have a few more minutes of sleep, hahahh...
Nice Trek for pedal powers!
Oh yes, haha. Yup, love the bike too.
With the school starts, have to start doing the bento again ya. Love the new bike!
Time flies, a new school year already!
And she certainly is sensible, your girl.
Meanwhile I like your new bentos, I must think of buying a few the next time I go home. Are the Hello Kitty ones easy to find? Plus that azuma?
lcom - Tks! We love it too. :)
beau lotus - Indeed, time really does fly pretty fast these days. Tks, I love them too, and you can get them mostly at the official Sanrio shops around. Ask me when you are next here. No, the azuma is from a lucky dip happening now. Have not seen them before.
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