In this house we love pasta and noodles. I've been cooking lots of rice in the past few weeks so decided to make a simple pasta for dinner last evening. The reason was that I had spied a packet of pizza toppings in the chiller while buying some ham, so I decided to grab that. And what better way to use them than in a pasta dish cooked in plain olive oil, salt, some herbs and plenty of black pepper? I added fresh mushrooms, a yellow capsicum sliced, onions and some crabsticks.
You would think that having just had pasta for dinner, I'd have opted for something else for lunch today, but no siree... it was noodles. :P Well, reason being I had planned this for dinner but hubby reminded me that he had a dinner appointment with an old colleague who is in town. Oh well...
I made two different styles. One was a non-spicy type for the little one, and the other was using a laksa paste for me. For hers, I fried an omelette and sliced it up to use as a topping. Her ingredients included sausages, bean sprouts and fishcake. I used oyster sauce, sesame oil and some white pepper for the seasoning and garnished with some fried shallots.This packet of instant paste caught my attention while I was in Cold Storage one day. How to resist, right? Plus it is by Prima Taste so it shouldn't be all that bad. So I got a packet to try out.
Instead of using it to fry rice, I decided I should use it for a noodle dish. I got some fresh laksa noodles from the market, together with fishcake which I sliced rather thinly, prawns, bean sprouts and tau pok, in keeping with the laksa theme. Those are the ingredients typically found in the normal soupy laksa. I couldn't find any laksa leaves this morning so just had to do without that. I fried the tau pok before everything else in order to keep it crispy. The result was rather good. I guess it could have been a little spicier. I should have added some sambal to it. Will remember the next time. But all in, I did enjoy the dish. I guess it's a good substitute for laksa, in my case, as I can't take coconut milk. There is coconut in the paste but it's not significant so it shouldn't do me much harm. :)
A Valentine’s 50th Anniversary at Dorsia 2025
4 weeks ago
ooo.. actually using laksa paste to fry rice is an idea to try!
daphne - Yes, in fact we were at a swim party last week and the host prepared laksa fried rice. I'm not sure if it was the same brand they used. It was pretty good.
I love simple noodles that yield delicious result! Now I want a bowl of laksa!
yes! loving the idea of the laksa packet for pasta/rice! :)
i am sooo tempted seeing the pieces of fried eggs and fried shallots hmmm yummm
mmmm...imagine eating a boring sandwich & looking at your pictures at the same time :| Not a good combo. the fried laksa noodles looks yummy. Think I'll try it if I can find the paste :)
I love pasta and noodles to ,can eat everyday!! The laksa look good!.too bad I can't find any Prima product here
Wow! Your laksa noodles looks yummilicious! Going to ntuc later, will try my luck there to get a pkt of those laksa paste :)
too bad it's so hard to find laksa here in Manila... my mom has been scouting for laksa for the past 3 weeks already... imagine, we went from one supermarket to another... tsk...tsk... anyway, i asked hubby to get it for me from HK, hope he'll be able to find one... :)
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